September 10, 2024
Please see below for this week’s events and ministry opportunities at Prince of Peace and the House Next Door.
Upcoming Events
Joyful Noise 9.15.24
Joyful Noise worship begins this Sunday 9.15.24. Joyful Noise is a worship service specifically designed for children with special needs and their families. New this Fall will be a communal meal that will take place in the community room at noon. Worship begins in the Sanctuary at 1:00pm.
Drum Circle Autumn Equinox, Sunday September 22 at 11 am. Led by Cathy Campanaro. Drumming during the equinox serves as a powerful symbolic act, connecting participants to the heartbeat of the earth and the cycle of nature. These rhythmic ceremonies, whether in ancient traditions or modern festivities, celebrate harvest, honor the balance between light and dark, and resonate with the pulse of the autumnal transition. Will be held at the Outdoor Chapel.
Happy Anniversary, House Next Door!
It is hard to believe, but it was 10 years ago that we first asked the question, "What shall we do with the house next door?" Ever since then God has been at work, guiding and directing our ministry and touching the lives of those seeking a safe space and a place of grace to deepen their relationship with God. Please save the date and join us on Sunday, October 6 as we celebrate 10 years of ministry! 9:30 am – 4pm.
Welcome Keerthana Babu
This week we welcome our Field Ed student for the new academic year from Princeton Seminary, Keerthana Babu.
Service Opportunities
September is Rice Month
St. Bart's needs non-perishable food to distribute to those who hunger in their community. Throughout the month of September we are collecting Rice (no large bags please). On Sunday mornings, please put your Rice offerings on the table in the narthex. Let's see how much we can collect this month! Throughout the week, if the church is not open, please leave your food offerings in the Food Bin outside the white doors of the Community Wing. Monetary donations are appreciated, too. Please make checks out to Prince of Peace and earmark them for St. Bart's Food pantry. Thank you!
2024 Flower Chart
The 2024 Flower Chart has numerous opportunities to designate altar flowers throughout the year. All are invited to remember a loved one or celebrate a special occasion by placing flowers on the altar. The flower chart is hanging on the bulletin board outside of the Church Office. The cost is $45.00. Thank you for enhancing our worship and adding to the beauty of our sanctuary. (If you prefer to sign-up for flowers online, you can do so at )
Worship Assistants Needed
A reminder that we are in need of worship assistants on Sunday mornings: acolytes, lectors, ushers, greeters, and fellowship hosts. Please sign up at: The liturgy is the work of the people. We can’t do it without you! Thank you.
Weekly Opportunities
Peace Garden Volunteers Needed
WHAT: Volunteers needed to plant, grow, weed, harvest, pack, and/or deliver the produce
WHEN: Hours – Tuesdays 9-11 and Fridays 9 - 11
HOW: Contact Nancy Reyes by email at or cell 609-273-1239 with questions or to get on the mailing list for weather updates
Christian Focus - Wednesdays at 11:30am - PoP Lounge Christian Focus is a small group ministry that meets in the Church Lounge every Wednesday from 11:30am until 1:00pm.At present the group is reading and discussing a book entitled Reading the Bible with Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tverberg. This book helps us interpret scripture from the perspective of first century Jewish culture. It sheds light on how Jesus's contemporaries might have understood his teachings. You are welcome to bring a bag lunch. If you would like to join us, please contact Phyllis Church at or just swing by! We are eager to see new faces!
Joyful Stitchers - Mondays at 7:00pm - Zoom
Every week Joyful Stitchers, PoP’s stitching arts group, spends an hour knitting, crocheting and socializing. We are currently creating hats and scarves for St. Bart’s to distribute at the holiday season. All are welcome to join us. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet and would like to learn, we can teach you! We have experienced knitters and crocheters who are happy to help anyone learn; and we have a good stash of yarn, needles, and crochet hooks to get you started. If you would like to join us, please contact Kate Chen at
Prayer Circle - Fridays at Noon - Zoom
As members of the Body of Christ, we are a people of prayer. All are welcome as our Prayer Circle gathers weekly for discussion, reflection, and prayer. The Zoom link for this ministry is sent, along with our prayer list, every Thursday via an email communication titled “Pray With Us”. Come once; come weekly!
If you have an announcement to share in our weekly e-news, please contact Parish Administrator Sherri Daniels at before noon on Tuesdays. Thank you