Wednesday Evening Class Beginning January 13

On Wednesday, January 13 Field Ed student, Becca Laabs, will begin a course looking at Prophecy and Ecology: What the Prophets Can Teach Us about Caring for Creation. In this three-week session we will  explore what the Old Testament Prophets have to say about caring for creation and how it might apply to our current environmental crisis. We will take a look a scripture, current events, the ELCA’s 1993 social statement Caring For Creation, and the work of Ellen Davis, an Old Testament and Practical Theology scholar out of Duke Divinity School, to gain a fuller picture of what it means to be good and faithful stewards of God’s creation.  Feel free to stop by for any of the discussions!

Notice the change of day for this Pastor Class. The class will begin at 7pm on zoom. Please contact Pastor Froehlke  for a Zoom invite to the class.



Last updated on February 1st, 2021 at 09:26 am