Examining Racism Adult Forum – Please Register

After church on Sundays, October 4 and 11 from 11:00 to 12:30, the Racial Justice Team has arranged a unique opportunity for the adult forum. NIOT (Not In Our Town) Princeton has adapted their established course Examining Racism: Looking Inward First to Zoom. This free two-session virtual course is for anyone aged 17 through adult and will help each of us recognize our own bias and look deeper into the racism in our society.

As POP struggles to find ways to work against the sin of racism, these experienced leaders will guide us through such topics as our earliest memories of race, understanding and recognizing microaggressions and implicit bias. The workshop is highly interactive including exercises, discussion in smaller groups and with the whole group, videos, and more. (Only those attending the first session may come to the second.)

This course is limited to 25 participants, and later this week we will open registration to other local Lutheran churches, so please register ASAP by sending email to nancyauerreyes@gmail.com.

The more we learn about ourselves the more we can work together as a congregation for racial justice!