Sign-up Sheet for 9:30 Worship Service

Welcome back to indoor services!  We continue our phased reopening process. For now, we will remain masked and distanced, and wave the peace. We will begin with a capacity of 50 people and open the signup 6 days before each service. Families, please sit together in pew areas that are not taped off. Bulletins, communion kits, and offering plate will be in the narthex. After service, please go outside if you are engaged in conversation. Thank you!

Here is the link to sign up:

You may also contact Kathy Nowak at the church office at 609-799-1753 to be added to the sign up.

Outdoor worship also continues, weather permitting, at 11 a.m. on Sundays through May 30. In June, with warmer weather, the outdoor service will move to 8:30 a.m.