Sprouting New Growth in Our Building

We are seeing new blooms all around us - daffodils, forsythia, tulips, cherry blossoms, azaleas and more. These are planted in order to enjoy the blossoms in the future. As a church, we also need to plan for the future blossoming of our mission. In addition to preaching the Word, serving the feast of bread & wine, and serving those in need, we also welcome our neighbors to use our facility for the good of the community. Our current users include AA, the Youth Orchestra of Central Jersey, the Turkish School, S.A.M. Singapore Math of NJ, music recitals, and hopefully more in the future. Our facility and equipment is aging. The original building was finished in 1976 and the current sanctuary and offices in 1991. We need to take care of our buildings and grounds and that includes making sure that everything is working and in good repair. In order to do this, we need to plan ahead not only for regular maintenance but for the big jobs that will inevitably occur.

You are invited to prayerfully consider offering a gift — either one-time or on-going — to our Special Building Fund. We will be lifting up this part of our ministry during May. Contributions are welcome at any time. Please mark your check "Special Building Fund". Alternately you can contribute using a credit card or PayPal balance from https://bit.ly/pop-building-fund.