Recover your inspiration with “The Artist’s Way!”

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block or feel stuck on your creative path? Do you have creative ideas or dreams you have continually put on the shelf that you would like to explore? Do you want a renewed sense of inspiration and passion in your work?

After COVID-19, many of us felt caught in a rut or disconnected from our purpose. Join ELCA Pastor and Therapist, Christine Ruth, on a ten-week journey to stimulate, recover, and restore your energy, creativity and inspiration. Christine writes, “The Artist’s Way” has given me spiritual practices and daily habits that have helped me survive and thrive as a pastor, therapist, and writer. Come renew your creativity and purpose as together we read and reflect upon “The Artist’s Way”.

We will cover one chapter each month. All gatherings will take place on Zoom. Dates: The 2nd and 4th Thursday afternoons of the month, beginning January 11th, and ending in May Time: 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. RSVP to Christine Ruth at Thanks to a grant from the ELCA, this event is free for rostered leaders.