Labyrinth and Other Outdoor Areas


Installed by volunteers in 2016 and modeled on the 11-course Chartres labyrinth, the labyrinth is part of the spiritual formation ministry at Prince of Peace. Members of all faiths and no faith have found walking the labyrinth to be a meaningful experience. It is open to the public every day from dawn to dusk.

Meditation Garden

The Meditation Garden lies between the church building and The House Next Door. It consists of several areas and is accessed from the double doors on the west end of the narthex. 

Memorial Garden

Situated to the left of the sidewalk as you leave the church building, this area provides benches for quiet reflection and a stele with names and birth and death dates of the people whose cremains are interred. For more information, contact

Butterfly Garden

Installed in 2019, this garden contains nectar plants for adult butterflies and host plants for caterpillars. It is an official Monarch Way Station.

Tree of Life Chapel

One in four families in the United States lose a baby during pregnancy, delivery, or infancy. At Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and in partnership with The House Next Door, we walk with families who experience this loss. The Tree of Life Chapel is a place for all to grieve.

Peace Garden

An active vegetable garden since 2014, the Peace Garden is tended by volunteers. Produce is donated to local food banks. For more information or to volunteer, email

Outdoor Meeting Area

The outdoor meeting area is suitable for campfires, scout meetings, small weddings or other ceremonies, and outdoor worship. It contains a lectern/pulpit and bench seating for about 50 people.

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